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Keep up with news
- February 15 2025
- NG6 source code was upgraded to maintain security. We will apply patches until December, 31 2026, then NG6 will be stopped.
Do not hesitate to contact us for any question. - December 2nd 2024
- Data generated from first of January 2025 by GeT-PlaGe facility will be available through our new web interface, NGL-Bi. You will be able to log in using you current NG6 credentials. On data validation, you will receive an email with all required information to download them and access the quality control results (using TouligQC - website, example of output - for nanopore data, or multiQC - website, example of output, Bios4Biol INRAE CATI help for multiQC webpage - for Illumina, Element and PacBio data).
NG6 will be maintained to keep the metadata of your old runs. Data stored on NG6 until this end of year will be managed as usual (deleted after 3 months or kept til the end of you contract storage).
Do not hesitate to contact us for any question. - January 24 2024
- NG6 v3.4.5 is released. Removal of "archive" option for downloading, du to migration on the new infrastucture and the ability to download via symbolic links, urls and direct access in the analysis views.
- Current issue (15/11/2023)
- Data generated before October 29 is now available through NG6 and the download features (generation of URL and symbolic links on the Genobioinfo cluster only), using backup data.
- Current issue (01/11/2023)
- The Genotoul Bioinformatics facility has a serious issue with the storage system that impact the NG6 accessibility. We understand the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience during this time. We will keep you updated on the progress and provide an update as soon as the server is back online.
- October 04 2023
- NG6 v3.4.3 is available on Allow to download with symbolic links on genologin and genobioinfo.
- September 18 2018
- NG6 v3.2 is available on Illumina pipelines were greatly improved (less time to make the data and analysis results available). An Oxford nanopore Technologies pipeline is now available. Can now work with slurm and sge. All runs come with a md5 sum file for raw data. New interface to manage projects and purge associated data is now included.
- August 30 2017
- From now, Illumina data generated by GeT-PlaGe core facility and loaded in nG6 will include the flowcell barcode in the fastq.gz file names, in order to made them unique accross all runs.
- June 17 2013
- NG6 v2.0 is now available. This new version is based upon the jflow workflow engine instead of ergatis. This version is comming with several new features for runs administrators.
- November 27 2012
- NG6 is now only available in english.
- September 14 2012
- New user management system. 3 rights levels: administrator (in charge to run workflows), manager (in charge to manage project access) and member (browsing projects/runs/analyses).
- Septembrer 9 2012
- Publication of NG6 in BMC Genomics.
- August 7 2012
- NG6 is available in french and in english.
- June 4 2012
- Fix a bug in the generation of cigarline graphs produced by the AlignmentStats analysis.
- November 23 2011
- Since the 3rd of october 2011 the HiSeq quality encoding is in Sanger format, no longer in illumina format.
- August 2nd 2011
- New functionalities are available to browse your projects/runs/analyses. A hierarchical display is now available for analysis. For project administrators new functionalities are also available.